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At the Schacht Center for Health and Wellness, 我们努力为学生提供生殖健康方面的最佳支持. 我们认识到,所有身份的学生都应该公平地获得满足其独特需求的服务. We provide services that are within the scope of our practice, 并努力向我们信任的社区提供者提供推荐,他们可以在我们的业务范围之外提供服务.

Resources Available Through Schacht

社区健康组织者(CHOs)是那些对公共卫生充满热情的学生. CHOs接受过安全性行为和同意的培训,他们很乐意与澳门葡京博彩软件房屋分享这些培训, student groups or other organizations within the college. If you’re interested in receiving this training, please email to set it up.

Free contraception, including latex and non-latex condoms, internal condoms, dental dams and lube, 在每学期开始时由卫生和健康联络员分发给每个学院. Additionally, free contraception is available in each Schacht Center bathroom.

  • 沙赫特中心为学生免费提供Plan B和Ella,无论保险范围如何. This can be given as part of your care planning at a visit with a nurse of NP/MD, as part of a discussion on how to best meet your needs. Call 413-585-2800 to schedule an appointment.
  • Levonorgestrel pills, also known as "Plan B" or EZcontra, 通过延迟排卵来防止怀孕,这样卵子就不会过早释放,从而无法与精子受精. 如果你在无保护的性行为后3天内服用左炔诺孕酮,可以降低75-89%的怀孕几率. Plan B may be less effective for patients over 155 pounds or who have a BMI over 25. Students are not charged for Ella or Plan B provided at the Schacht Center. B计划可以在柜台买到,学生可以在校园一英里内的各种药店买到B计划. 根据《澳门葡京博彩软件》,大多数药物都是免费的,没有共同支付.
  • 艾拉是一种非激素避孕药物,旨在防止精子使卵子受精. 如果在性生活后5天内服用,它可以降低85%的怀孕几率, and works on a broader patient weight range. Ella requires a prescription, which the Schacht Center is able to provide. Students are not charged for Ella provided at the Schacht Center. 根据《澳门葡京博彩软件》,大多数药物都是免费的,没有共同支付. 

Prescriptions: Schacht的提供者可以根据学生的需要/偏好提供各种避孕药处方. 对澳门葡京博彩软件的学生来说,与沙赫特中心的提供者会面是一项免费服务,处方会被送到药店,并通过保险公司计费. 根据《澳门葡京博彩软件》,大多数形式的节育措施都需要全面覆盖, with no cost sharing passed on to the patient. 沙赫特中心可以提供处方,以便在当地药房配药. 

Referrals: We refer students interested in getting IUDs, implants, 或者向专门从事生殖健康或妇科护理的外部提供者提供手术避孕. We most commonly refer to community services within 2 miles of Smith. 我们也认识到,交通不应该成为获得医疗保健的障碍,并很乐意支持学生获得校外护理.

Removal: Our providers at Schacht are able to conduct removals of most implants or IUDs.

A pap smear is a test done on someone who has a cervix to screen for cervical cancer. 21岁或以上的宫颈癌患者建议每三年进行一次宫颈癌筛查. The screening is billed through insurance, but is often free. 筛查建议在21岁时进行,或在21岁后尽快进行,只要患者有能力这样做. After that, your provider will advise you when your next Pap is due, based upon your test results and age. Pap smears are no longer recommended for patients under age 21, regardless of reproductive health history. 

Students can book STI screenings online with our “STI Express” webpage. 在提交STI快速筛查表后,大约2个工作日安排实验室预约,在抽取实验室后,大约3个工作日返回完整的结果. The test is billed through a student’s insurance because it is a lab service. 淋病、衣原体、艾滋病毒和梅毒的年度筛查是大多数保险免费的. Routine screening for herpes and HPV is not recommended for most patients. If you have symptoms or have questions, please make an appointment with a provider. 

Students can schedule appointments by calling 413-585-2800. Pregnancy tests done at the Schacht Center are free and do not go through insurance. Providers are available to interpret results and discuss next options with patients.

我们建议学生向妇科专科医生咨询这些服务,以确保及时, safe and comprehensive care. We most commonly refer to community services within 2 miles of Smith. 提供者将帮助学生与他们希望得到的护理联系起来,并帮助安排预约. 我们也认识到,交通不应该成为获得医疗保健的障碍,并很乐意帮助学生获得校外护理. Insurance coverage varies by provider. Discretionary emergency funding is available if costs are prohibitive.

Mental health is an important facet of reproductive health. 我们咨询服务的临床医生可以围绕各种问题与学生一起工作, including supporting students before and after seeking care such as an abortion. 我们也欢迎学生报名参加健康部门一对一的课程,讨论这些话题.

我们的目标是教育和授权您,因为我们合作如何最好地满足您的需求, as defined by you. There will be no steps taken without your consent. 您可以随时选择停止访问,或改变您对所要求服务的想法. 我们还可以帮助你联系咨询和其他社区资源,以帮助你获得支持, advocacy, and now to move forward. You are not alone. We are here with you.

  • 护理是保密的,只有那些在沙赫特中心医疗和咨询团队可见, on a need-to-know basis (except in the case of those under age 18, in which case the provider has a duty to report to legal authorities).

Specific Care Options:

Your provider will review with you what care options might apply in your case, and can offer their professional recommendation. Depending on your insurance type, lab tests, outside ER visits, or specialists visits may lead to co-payments or a deductible. Your provider can talk to you about what these might be, as well as about funding support available on campus. You can opt in to whatever services you would like to receive, which may include:

  • Treatment for injuries/physical trauma
  • Pregnancy testing, if applicable
  • Discussion of STI recommendations, including empiric treatment and/or post-exposure prophylaxis treatment, as well as sexually transmitted infection (STI) testing, as indicated
  • Discussion of vaccine recommendations, such as human Papilloma Virus (HPV) or Hepatitis B, as indicated
  • Emergency contraception, if needed
  • Testing for vaginitis/urinary tract infection (UTI) as needed
  • Recommendations and treatment for stress and trauma induced symptoms, as applicable
  • Review of self-care strategies
  • Advice regarding referral to Cooley Dickinson - e.g. for forensic & Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) exam, drug screening, or other urgent/emergent treatment as indicated
  • Information on other available resources on and off-campus, including but not limited to: help connecting with counseling, psychiatry, and/or the Title IX office. 

Our Partners

作为初级保健诊所,沙赫特中心无法提供一些服务. However, 我们与社区提供者密切合作,以确保护理的连续性,并对我们推荐学生的合作伙伴有最高的信心. 我们最常见的生殖保健服务转介是以下提供者. If transportation to medical appointments is a barrier to accessing care, please contact the Schacht Center. We are happy to work with you to problem solve and provide support.

Cooley Dickinson Medical Group OBGYN & Midwifery

Cooley Dickinson Medical Group ObGYN & Midwifery provides comprehensive and sensitive health care services, including pregnancy, childbirth, gynecologic care and breast health services, testing for STI's, treatment for gynecologic problems, and more.

For appointments at their four locations, call 413-586-9866

30 Locust Street & 22 Atwood Drive, Northampton

10 Denniston Place, Yellow House, Cooley Dickinson Hospital campus, Northampton

170 University Drive, Amherst

Baystate Women’s Health OB/GYN

Baystate Women's Health OB/GYN in Northampton offers comprehensive obstetrics & gynecology services including routine and preventive care, reproductive healthcare, testing for STI's, diagnosis for gynecological problems, and more.

325B King Street Suite 104 Northampton, MA 01060, 413-586-2496

Tapestry Health

Tapestry Health提供保密和负担得起的性传播感染和怀孕检测,并具有文化能力, gender-aware healthcare. Please call ahead - walk-in care is not available.

76 Carlton Drive, Northampton, 413-586-2539

Smith Students for Reproductive Justice

Through SSRJ, 澳门葡京博彩软件的学生与全国各地的大学生网络合作,在他们的校园里组织活动,提高公众对生殖健康和权利的认识, educate young people at concerts about sexual health, work with and support their local Planned Parenthood health centers, and mobilize advocates of reproductive rights.