
减少危害包括政策, 项目, and practices that decrease risk of overdose for people who use drugs. Some examples of harm reduction for drugs include making Narcan accessible, 教育规划, 提供芬太尼试纸, 以及类似澳门葡京博彩软件的政策 大赦国际的政策. It can also extend to interventions that decrease risk in other potentially harmful situations. 系好安全带, 使用屏障避孕法, and 使用 bug spray are all examples of harm reduction.

It is impossible to eliminate all high-risk behaviors. 减少伤害旨在降低风险.




Slowed or stopped breathing, gurgling, or snoring sounds while breathing. 蓝灰色的嘴唇和指尖. Not reacting when you rub your knuckles on their chest.



Say “someone isn’t breathing” or “I think it’s an overdose.”



Place tip into one nostril of person’s nose. 推泵释放全部剂量. If no response, keep giving doses every three minutes, changing nostrils each time.



确保口腔清洁. 头后仰,抬下巴,捏鼻子. 每五秒钟呼吸一次. Make sure chest rises and falls with each breath.




In the event of an opioid overdose, rapid access to Narcan can be lifesaving. 考虑到纳洛酮的好处, Smith has installed six NaloxBoxes around campus; these boxes are similar to AEDs, 但里面含有纳洛酮. The Narcan in these boxes is for emergency use only. 学生 who would like to carry Narcan, just in case, are welcome to obtain it from Schacht.


  • 校园中心
  • Outside the Friedmans in a temperature-controlled box
  • 校友的健身房
  • King/Scales餐厅
  • 卡特·齐斯金德餐厅
  • 泰勒食堂
A map of the campus, showing where Narcan is found. Locations include Outside of the Friedman apartments, King/Scales餐厅, Cutter/Ziskind餐厅, 校园中心, 泰勒食堂, 和校友健身房

These locations were chosen because of their proximity to student residences. Additionally, students are able to access the dining hall NaloxBoxes 24/7. 

用纳洛酮 & 过量的症状

纳洛酮易于使用. 看 这个简单的训练, and instructions for use are on all NaloxBoxes. 

Narcan has limited side effects if it is accidentally administered to someone who is not overdosing. However, ideally it should only be used when truly needed. Some of the signs and symptoms of an overdose include: 

  • 缺乏意识
  • Awake but with slurred speech or unable to talk
  • 缓慢、浅、不稳定或无呼吸
  • 皮肤是蓝色/紫色/灰色的
  • 指甲或嘴唇呈蓝色或灰色
  • 脉搏缓慢、不稳定或停止跳动
  • 窒息的声音或咯咯的声音
  • 出汗和发冷
  • 身体很软
  • 癫痫发作或抽搐


The 减少危害 bag program was implemented in the fall of 2023. It is overseen by staff in the wellness department along with the 社区卫生 Organizers. 学生 can request harm reduction bags specific to nicotine, opioids, safer sex, and self-harm. 请求 可以在学年期间安排吗. 

Narcan trainings are offered at least once a semester through the wellness department. These trainings are open to all Smith community members. Keep an eye out for trainings advertised on our Instagram feed and in the eDigest. If you would like to request a training for your department, house, org, team, etc. 请联络健康部: wellness@lj-hb.com.

For additional harm reduction resources, check out the following 澳门葡京博彩软件健康资源指南

  • 减少酒精危害
  • 减少大麻危害 
  • 阿片类药物 
  • 安全的性
  • 兴奋剂


如果你要用, these tips can help protect your wellbeing. 

  • Never use alone: 使用 drugs alone greatly increases the risk of dying from overdose (source). 如果你要用, be around other consenting people or take advantage of the Never Use Alone hotline: 800.972.0590
  • 了解你的药物中含有什么:很多药物, including street opiates or Adderall are laced with fentanyl, 哪种药物与过量用药有关. Testing drugs before you use them decreases your risk. Fentanyl test strips are available through Schacht. 
  • 携带纳洛酮
  • Reach out if you are concerned about your drug use. The Schacht Center for 健康 and 健康 offers medical appointments and counseling appointments. If your drug-related behaviors are starting to concern you, reach out for an appointment: 413-585-2800
  • 处理旧的处方药. 找一个医疗废物报刊亭.


Narcan cannot cause any harm to someone if they are not overdosing. 纳洛酮几乎没有副作用, but if it is administered to someone who is dependent on opioids, it can cause their body to go into opioid withdrawal. Withdrawal from opiates can cause serious physical and mental symptoms that are usually temporary and can cause the person to be agitated when they wake up, which is another reason to call 911 if you think someone might be overdosing. 


  • 身体疼痛 
  • 腹泻 
  • 心率加快 
  • 发热 
  • 流鼻涕 
  • 打喷嚏 
  • 鸡皮疙瘩 
  • 出汗
  • 打呵欠 
  • 恶心或呕吐 
  • 紧张不安或易怒 
  • 颤抖或颤抖 
  • 胃痉挛 
  • 弱点 
  • 血压升高

No, Narcan administration is protected by the Good Samaritan law. The law provides legal protection from arrest, 控罪及检控, 拥有, 使用, 受影响, or administering Naloxone/Narcan for an opioid overdose.

Narcan can be safely used on pregnant people. The lowest possible effective dose should be used to avoid opioid withdrawal symptoms. The risk of an overdose is worse for both the pregnant person and fetus than the risk of receiving Narcan.

Yes, it is safe to administer Narcan to a child. If a parent is around, you should ask for consent. If not, you should be covered by good samaritan laws.

The altitude does not change the effectiveness of the aspiration of Narcan, so it is safe to bring Narcan on your carry-on and then use it. 

运输安全管理局 允许的药物. For international travel, check the restrictions of the countries you are flying to and through.