
澳门葡京博彩软件健康服务提供跨学科, culturally sensitive and inclusive health promotion services designed to enable our diverse student population to fully participate and thrive throughout their college experience. 我们对生活的组成部分是如何, 从我们的身份到我们的生活经历, 影响我们的健康和幸福.


健康 open hours are hosted by professional staff members to provide confidential one-on-one support to Smithies. These hours are a great chance to get support and build healthy habits—we’re happy to talk about a range of topics including but not limited to sleep, 性别认同, 健康的关系, 物质使用和减少危害, 和自我保健.

If you would like an appointment with a health educator/peer 精神 health supporter, 你可以报名 在这里 或联系 健康@lj-hb.com.



  • 整个人:思想、身体、灵魂和精神
  • 以尊重和尊严对待所有人
  • 追求社会公正和卫生公平
  • 理解健康是个人和社区的追求



健康是一生的旅程, 珍惜我们作为生命的一切, 在我们复杂的积极和消极的经历中. We are whole people moving through the world as the world moves around us; as such, 这些定义必须与我们一起成长和改变. 通过我们部门, 学生可以探索健康的多个方面, 包括他们的身体, 情感, 社会和精神健康.


Our mission is to advocate and promote student wholeness by providing inclusive and accessible peer support through 健康 initiatives to protect students and help them define what 健康 looks like in the context of their lives.


保持身体, 精神, 社会 and 精神上的 well-being is a moving target—this work requires intention and care. We support the work of exploring and developing well-being in the context of our identities: physical, 社会, 情感, 精神上的, 祖先的, 社区, 环境, 知识, 财务和职业生活的组成部分.

Part of 健康 involves addressing issues that impede wholeness and access to care on the individual and 社区 level by naming and working to dismantle stigma and systemic ableism, 资本主义, 阶级歧视, fatphobia, 恐同症, 种族歧视, 性别歧视, 变性恐惧症和其他形式的压迫在我们的社区.

我们相信强调联系的社区护理模式. 幸福和自我照顾是整个社会的责任. Well-being is dependent on the engagement of a wide range of stakeholders including one’s teachers, 精神领袖, 朋友, 家庭和与你有联系的机构.


The 澳门葡京博彩软件 粘结剂的图书馆 provides education around safe chest binding and a discrete environment to try on a binder before buying one. 我们有各种各样的尺寸和颜色. 如果资金是一个障碍,我们很乐意帮助您申请资金. If you need assistance finding the right fit, a staff member is available to provide support.

粘合剂库是一个免费的, discrete resource for Smith students to help assist in selecting the right binder and checking fit. We have a collection of binders from both TomBoyX and GC2B in a wide variety of colors, 尺寸(XS至4XL), 和风格, 还有一个工作人员可以帮助你测量和找到合适的衣服.

The binders are for trying on and determining the right size; we cannot give them away. 我们有一些二手活页夹可以送人. 如果买活页夹是一种经济负担, 我们可以帮助你通过澳门葡京博彩软件或其他组织申请资金.

紧急医疗基金, 在澳门葡京博彩软件社交网络上找到的, 每年为每位学生提供80美元的活页夹资助.

The binder library was funded by the Resource Center for Sexuality and Gender and is maintained by the 健康 Department. 在2022年春天,工作人员装订图书管理员是阳光Windorski(他们/他). Sunny graduated from Smith in 2020 and has first hand experience binding; they are happy to help in any way they can. 请随时联系 awindorski@lj-hb.com.

Binder library appointments are scheduled in the same block as one on one 健康 appointments; this means that you could be coming into the office for any reason. 有一些私人空间,学生可以在那里试用活页夹, 包括有镜像空间和没有镜像空间.

The binder library is located on the second floor of the Schacht Center—t在这里 is an elevator that can take you to the second floor if you need it.


安排约会. 如果这些时间都不起作用,那就发邮件吧 awindorski@lj-hb.com 安排预约.

是的! 当你访问活页夹库时,你可以和Sunny聊聊活页夹的安全问题. 我们也有你可以带回家的信息.




阳光Windorski在澳门葡京博彩软件大学学习心理学. 他们之前在马萨诸塞州的COVID应对工作中工作过,他们在那里接触过, provided peer 精神 health support and chaired the Sexual Orientation Gender Identity and Expression working group. 在为国家工作的时候, they created and oversaw LGBTQIA+ best practices in healthcare training for their colleagues and provided a variety of group and individual interventions for 精神 health support. 他们对心理健康、BIPOC健康和跨性别健康充满热情. Outside of work, you can usually find Sunny trying out a new recipe or spending time in nature.

凯蒂Oleksak, M.Ac. 地方政府投资公司.Ac.


凯蒂Oleksak has always had an interest in alternative medicine and knew that her profession would somehow be related to healthcare. 不知道这将如何表现, she began 研究ing educational opportunities and learned about the New England School of Acupuncture (NESA). She received both a master of acupuncture (2011) at NESA and a master of science in 疼痛, 研究, 2011年获得塔夫茨大学医学院教育与政策学博士学位. She also has a certificate in herbal medicine from the Boston School of Herbal Studies apprenticeship program. She has more than a decade of experience working at natural 食物 stores with an interest in herbal medicine and supplements for both preventative care and treatment of a wide range of acute and chronic conditions. 凯蒂对针灸的整合有强烈的感觉, 饮食, 营养, 以及整体健康和健康的替代疗法. She values supporting local businesses in her 社区, agriculture, and using 食物 as medicine. 她以提供简单而闻名, 有效的, and powerful acupuncture treatments to her patients for a variety of ailments including but not limited to: stress, 焦虑, 失眠, 疼痛, 过敏, 消化问题, 偏头痛和荷尔蒙失调. 自2016年以来,凯蒂一直与澳门葡京博彩软件的学生一起工作, 并在COVID-19大流行期间纳入了虚拟健康访问.


Elizabeth Devine, MS, RDN, LDN



伊丽莎白于2010年成为一名注册并持有执照的营养师,作为她的第二职业. 从那时起,她一直在马萨诸塞大学餐厅工作, earning a national award for her healthy protein promotion in 2013; been a board member of the Western Area Massachusetts Dietetic Association, receiving the special recognition award in 2014; and maintained a private practice specializing in sports, 健康, 植物性营养. 伊丽莎白还负责马萨诸塞大学阿默斯特分校的学生营养学家项目, a comprehensive service and learning program which offers both training and experience for 营养 students as well as complimentary 营养 education and counseling for the campus 社区.

作为一名营养师, Elizabeth feels fortunate to be able to integrate all the things she truly enjoys – teaching, 研究, 与他人交流, 食物, 还有健康——同时也尊重她自己的根. 最重要的是, she strives to inspire and empower clients to achieve their 营养- and lifestyle-related goals by taking an evidence-based and root-cause approach, 共同努力,使变革既实际又可持续. 她相信你是自己生活的专家, 无论你的营养之旅在哪里,她都很乐意加入你. Elizabeth’s professional interests include sports 营养 for the female athlete; 营养 for health and longevity; and the intersection of eating disorders, 肠胃和心理健康, 以及我们对化身的体验. 

工作之余,伊丽莎白一生都是跑步爱好者和户外运动爱好者. She enjoys spending time with 朋友 and family (including her two children and two dogs), 植物性烹饪和烘焙, 和阅读.