

教室里的项目 & Independent Student 研究 Projects

There is often confusion as to which 教室里的项目 and independent student projects must be 审查ed by the 院校检讨委员会. Generally, a student project involving human subjects falls into one of two categories:

  1. Classroom projects, the goal of which is to provide training as part of a course, and
  2. Directed or independent research projects that employ systematic data collection with the intent to contribute to generalizable knowledge

Classroom projects generally do not require 院校检讨委员会 oversight, but independent research projects do.



美国.S. Department of 健康 and Human 服务 defines 人体受试者研究 as “a systematic investigation designed to develop or contribute to generalizable knowledge” typically involving obtaining information from living individuals. Many forms of 人体受试者研究 are subject to 院校检讨委员会 (IRB) 审查 and approval before they can proceed. This policy describes a change in 澳门葡京博彩软件 IRB policy regarding 教室里的项目, which includes the study of living persons inside or outside the classroom as part of an academic exercise with the goal of enhancing student learning rather than yielding generalizable knowledge. Classroom projects should be distinguished from special studies, 荣誉论文, and other original research projects that may be published or presented off campus, which typically require IRB 审查. This policy was put into effect beginning in the fall of 2016. It was revised in January and April 2019.

Classroom projects can proceed without IRB 审查 unless the project is 人体受试者研究 and the data may be published or presented outside of 澳门葡京博彩软件 (e.g., the internet, professional conferences, academic journals). If there is even a small chance that information collected for a classroom project might be used to contribute to generalizable knowledge, researchers should seek IRB approval before conducting their study.

Note: If you plan to post information from a classroom project on the internet, it does not automatically require IRB 审查. 请参阅 list of other study types that do not fit the IRB’s definition of 人体受试者研究 on the 申请流程页面.

The removal of IRB 审查 of 教室里的项目 removes a layer of protection for participants, 学院, 课程指导老师. Instructors are expected to use their best judgment in conjunction with current social norms to decide whether to include the IRB in their classroom research planning.

Instructors are responsible for determining whether IRB 审查 or 咨询 would be prudent (even if not required). IRB 审查 refers to seeking formal IRB approval via the regular IRB 审查 process. IRB 咨询 refers to asking for advice from the IRB without submitting a proposal.

Application Checklist for Student Projects

To determine if your project requires IRB 审查, please do the following:

  1. 设置你的帐户 导师IRB and take the pre-proposal survey.
  2. Discuss your pre-proposal survey results with your faculty adviser or submit the survey to the IRB chair for verification.

Getting ready to submit your project (independent research, honors thesis, etc.)?

  1. Talk with your faculty adviser about your research plans.
  2. Complete the online CITI ethics training. Remind your faculty adviser to complete the CITI training if they haven't already.
  3. 检查 申请流程页面 & 知情同意页面.
  4. 使用 同意模板 to create a consent document for your study.
  5. Draft the recruitment script/email/flyer for your study. Instructions under 研究 Methods.
  6. If conducting research internationally, 审查 the 国际研究页面.


If you wish to draft your IRB proposal answers prior to using 导师IRB, use this set of example questions:


  1. 登录你的 导师聘雇委员会帐户, go to "My Protocols", and submit your IRB proposal. You will be asked to answer supplemental questions so the IRB has enough information about your study to make a decision.
  2. Attach your consent document(s), 招聘的例子(s), lists of proposed interview questions and survey questions.
  3. Submit the proposal in Mentor.
  4. Your proposal will go to your faculty adviser for 审查 before going to the IRB. Once you faculty adviser has confirmed their approval of your proposal in Mentor, the IRB will 审查 your proposal.
  5. IRB 审查: Find the estimated time for each type of 审查 under 审查程序.