
为教师 & 工作人员

While much of the Wurtele领导力中心’s programming is geared toward students, we nevertheless strive to live into our mission to equip all members of the Smith community with the creativity, 领导积极变革的勇气和协作能力. 我们坚信,为了培养学生的这些技能, we need to engage as learners ourselves as we seek to model collaborative leadership. We also hope to serve as a resource to faculty and staff members who are interested in exploring new ways of building collaborative leadership skills in their students. 以下是我们中心与教职员工合作的一些方式.


Join the Wurtele领导力中心 for this facilitated monthly series of conversations about what it means to work collaboratively in a team at 澳门葡京博彩软件. 向所有教职员工开放,不论头衔或职位. Most sessions are held in-person with a virtual attendance option; lunch is provided for in-person attendees who RSVP.

看到一个 时间表PDF格式,或单击下面的选项卡. 在此注册与领导团队的艺术相关的电子邮件 谷歌的形式.



12:15–1:15 p.m.,尼尔森浏览室(中午提供午餐)


当你开始一个新角色时,适应并不总是那么容易, and much depends on the steps your team or department takes to welcome you in. Join the Wurtele领导力中心 for a lunchtime session on how to welcome new colleagues and gain tips and tools to quickly foster a sense of belonging.



12:15–1:15 p.m.,尼尔森浏览室(中午提供午餐)


我们很容易否认自己的创造力, and yet each of us needs to develop new ideas and find inspiration for innovative ways of doing things, 不管我们的工作需要什么. 加入Wurtele中心和客座共同主持人Andrea St. 路易, 康威创新创业中心的新主任, for a lunch session on creating the space and inspiring the confidence within yourself and your team to get CREATIVE. 



12:15–1:15 p.m.,尼尔森浏览室(中午提供午餐)

破坏性冲突vs. 健康的异议

分歧是群体生活中很自然的因素, yet we often either avoid it or engage in it in ways that can corrode rather than strengthen our teams or departments. For unit cultures that overemphasize consensus, how can we harness the power of healthy dissent? 对于那些陷入破坏性冲突的人, 我们该如何制定基本规则来有效地表达不同意见呢? This session is co-hosted by the Wurtele Center and OEI as part of OEI’s new lunch series, 公平和包容的日常工具.



12:15–1:15 p.m.、虚拟会议


当我们想到评估, 我们经常从数字的角度来思考——我们服务了多少学生, 我们提供了多少项目. But these metrics don’t give us a complete picture of how or whether we’re achieving our goals. 加入Wurtele中心和客座共同主持人, 评核署副署长黎明明, 探索可以帮助您的团队衡量成功的评估策略, 讲述一个关于你工作的引人入胜的故事, 确定需要增长或改变的领域.



12:15–1:15 p.m.,尼尔森浏览室(中午提供午餐)


当我们一起工作或思考时, it often takes the form of a verbal conversation that either is never recorded at all, or is documented in the form of written notes or minutes that are rarely consulted after the fact. 然而,共同创建一个可视记录(以图表的形式), 地图, 图表, etc) can transform collaborative work to make it more inclusive and better captured. Join the Wurtele Center for a lunchtime session exploring techniques for extending the collaborative work of your unit or classroom by making thinking visible.



12:15–1:15 p.m.,尼尔森浏览室(中午提供午餐)


团队中的每个成员都有不同的沟通方式, 哪一个根植于我们的个性, 文化背景, 以及不同的经历. 这些差异可以给团队或部门带来巨大的多样性, 但也为误解和误解提供了肥沃的土壤. Join the Wurtele Center to explore how to navigate these differences and practice active listening to aid in better communication.



12:15–1:15 p.m.,尼尔森浏览室(中午提供午餐)

Getting Serious About Play: How to Incorporate Playfulness in Your Team Culture

尽管我们知道相互信任的团队效率更高, the idea of incorporating play into our work culture can induce a range of emotions: some people love it, 有些人持怀疑态度, 而其他人则完全害怕它. What might it look like to thoughtfully consider play and all it entails - the connection, 探索, 谈判, and disagreement - as a way to hone your skills for 协作 and weave it into the way you approach your work as a team?

“非常感谢大家为这个精彩的系列节目提供便利! I often was on the fence about joining because I was ‘so busy with everything else,’ but every session I was able to join gave me new tools and connections across campus, and I left so glad I carved out this time for professional and personal development.”


The Wurtele Center designs and facilitates a series of workshops for students participating in the Sherrerd Center for Teaching and Learning’s Student 教学伙伴计划. The workshops provide students with a space in which to reflect as a cohort on their experience as a pedagogical partner and to explore what leadership looks like in this specific context. 过去的工作坊主题包括:

  • 认清自己的角色,挑战冒名顶替现象
  • 促进讨论的工具, 驾驭课堂动态, 学习体验的有意设计
  • 人类学习的科学
  • 对教学伙伴经验的思考
“Thank you so much for your support and guidance during this past semester with the Pedagogical Partnership. 参加我们每月的会议是一件很愉快的事, 和你和大家聊天,我总觉得很受鼓舞. The time was perfectly divided between reflecting, writing, sharing, and discussing. 另外, all of the tools you used in the meetings (as simple as the great icebreakers) were very engaging and useful.”


Wurtele领导力中心可供咨询, 协作, and support for any faculty members whose courses (or other modes of students engagement) are actively team- or group-oriented, and who are interested in exploring how they might work more intentionally with students to develop their collaborative skills in order to lead projects and initiatives forward. Our curricular engagement with faculty has ranged from individual consultation and curricular co-design to guest teaching arrangements to resource sharing.

欲了解更多信息,请联系Wurtele中心助理主任, 梅根·李斯特,和/或查看 资源页面 我们的网站.

The Wurtele领导力中心 also collaborates widely with a range of campus partners to support the collaborative leadership development of students and staff through co-curricular or work experiences. 这包括:

  • Ongoing training and development partnerships with student leaders in Residential Life, 学院领导及学生事务
  • 支持学生社团和组织领导
  • Collaboration with other centers on campus to develop programs, talks and workshops
  • A monthly student intern leadership enrichment series open to student interns and work-study students across campus
  • 协助会议设计, 为校园其他单位设计和促进团队参与

If you are interested in collaborating with the Wurtele Center in these or other ways, 请伸出援手!