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不使用旅游签证进入美国在澳门葡京博彩软件学习. If you do not already have a U.S. visa valid for study in the U.S.,澳门葡京博彩软件将需要赞助你获得一个. 学生最常用的签证是F-1学生签证. 有关在澳门葡京博彩软件学习的其他签证的信息,请查询 contact us.

Getting Your F-1 Student Visa

Collect Documents

你必须申请F-1签证才能进入美国,作为全日制学位课程的学生在澳门葡京博彩软件大学学习. In order to obtain an F-1 student visa, 你需要从我们的办公室和其他地方收集一系列文件,然后在家里申请签证.


你的护照必须在你进入美国的日期之后至少六个月内有效.S.. 如果你还没有护照或者需要更新护照, please apply for one as soon as possible. 当您将文件发送给我们时,ISSO将需要您护照上图片页的副本,这样我们可以确保我们签发的签证文件与您的护照完全匹配.

For those receiving aid from the college, 你需要把你的获奖信带到你的签证预约. 学生财务服务部将在5月初将此邮件发送给您, along with your Certification of Finances.

当你被录取时,你会收到一份澳门葡京博彩软件的财务证明. For those receiving financial aid from the college, it will have your aid package preprinted on the form. For those not receiving financial aid, ISSO将在4月底或5月初给您发一份空白表格. 表格必须在6月1日之前填写、签名并发送给ISSO,以确保及时处理. 我们将邮寄一份完整的财务证明复印件给您,以便您进行签证面试.

When you fill out your Certification of Finances, make sure you provide a complete and legible address, 包括邮政编码和电话号码,这样我们就可以用快递服务把I-20寄给你.

您将发送ISSO财务文件,以确保您和您的家人能够支付澳门葡京博彩软件的费用. Be sure to keep a copy of them for yourself as well, as they may be reviewed during your visa appointment.

一旦我们有你的财务证明和任何随附的财务文件, 表明你和你的家人有能力支付你在澳门葡京博彩软件大学的学费, we will create and mail you your I-20, a Certificate of Eligibility for your F-1 visa.

All I-20 forms for the entering class, including early admitted students, will be issued in late May and early June, 前提是我们的办公室已经收到了你的所有必要的文件.

一旦你收到你的I-20表格,你需要一次性在线支付350美元. 这被称为“SEVIS费用”,支付此费用后,您的帐户将在SEVIS(学生交流访问者信息系统)中激活。. 为了确保您的签证预约顺利进行,您需要预先支付这笔费用. In most countries this payment can be made online at

请注意:如果您的经济援助计划包括“SEVIS费用补助金”," this will be awarded to you upon arrival at Smith. 它将作为你财务账户上的一笔贷款处理, 减少你前两个学期的学费.  您需要支付SEVIS I-901费用的前期费用, regardless of Financial Aid status.

Apply For Your Visa**

一旦你有了这些文件,你就可以申请你的F-1签证了. The first step is to fill in a DS-160 form online. 需要支付160美元的费用,然后你就可以在美国领事馆预约签证了.S. Embassy or consulate in your country of residence. They will ask for your SEVIS number, 它位于I-20的右上角,以“N00”开头.“请在收到I-20后尽快预约签证 visa processing times can vary by country and consulate.

After Your Visa is Issued

在您收到护照内的F-1签证后, 确保你也有美国移民局退回给你的I-20表格.S. Embassy. 你需要I-20才能进入美国. 国际旅行时你应该随身携带你的I-20, and you should always enter into the U.S. 在整个项目期间都保持F-1身份.

Customs & Border Protection/ I-94 Arrival Record

抵达美国后,移民局官员会检查你的护照, F-1 visa, and I-20 at the border. 他们会在你的护照上盖章,表明你已经作为F-1学生合法进入美国. 这个条目创建一个在线到达记录,称为I-94. 在你进入美国的任何时候检查你的在线I-94是一个好主意.S.,以确保您的信息被正确记录. During ISP, we will show you how to access your I-94 online.

** Canadian Citizens:

如果您使用加拿大护照旅行,您将不需要F-1入境签证.  相反,你可以直接携带你的I-20和护照到边境. 向移民局官员出示你的I-20是很重要的,以确保你能以F-1身份进入美国.S.

Visa Transfer Information

If you already have F-1 status in the U.S.,我们可以利用这个身份来简化你找到澳门葡京博彩软件的流程. If you have attended another U.S. institution (high school or college), 请下载我们的转移验证表格,了解转移您的F-1签证的过程. 当你把你的财务证明寄到我们办公室时, include your Transfer Verification Form. When your Transfer Release date arrives, 我们会打印你的新I-20,邮寄给你或者亲自到ISP给你. 转换签证的另一个好处是你可以留在美国.S. during your break between programs. However, if you decide to the leave the U.S. 直到你在澳门葡京博彩软件大学的新课程开始日期的30天内,你才能重新进入这个国家.

Transfer Verification Form

Other Visas/Change in Status

如果你打算在美国境内从一种签证状态转换到另一种签证状态.S., please contact the ISSO as soon as possible. 从一种签证类别转换到另一种签证类别可以通过两种方式完成.) by exiting the U.S. and re-entering in the new visa category; or 2.) by applying for a "change of status" from within the U.S. 第二种选择通常需要一年的时间来处理,所以请相应地计划.

Contact International Students and Scholars

125 Wright Hall

Smith College

Northampton, MA USA

Phone: 413-585-7598 Email:

Open office hours: Schedule a meeting with Dean Caitlin or with Claire Seely when it’s convenient for you!