
The 澳门葡京博彩软件 校园安全 Department offers a variety of services to assist the community. 有一个你想看到的服务的想法吗? 请与我们联系并分享您的反馈.



根据马萨诸塞州普通法第269章第10j条, weapons are prohibited on the grounds of the college with the exception of law enforcement officers duly authorized to carry such weapons. 任何人不得携带枪支或其他武器, 隐蔽或不隐蔽, 不管有没有隐藏武器许可证, 在学院拥有或控制的财产上.

就本政策而言, “武器”一词包括, 但不限于, 任何性质或种类的火器, 包括散弹枪, 步枪, 手枪和左轮手枪, 彩弹枪, or BB/pellet guns; firearm replicas; ammunition; martial arts-type weapons; explosives (including fireworks); bows, 弩, arrows; slingshots; switchblade knives, 一把双刃剑刀, hunting (pocket-style) knives with a blade length of three inches or greater; swords; pointed metal darts; (unauthorized) pepper spray; or any other destructive device or instrument that may be used to do bodily injury or damage to property. 除了, 可以用作武器的物品, 它们是否符合上述定义, 会被扣押吗.

因为这些武器可能会对校园内的人员和财产构成明显的威胁, violation of the regulations may result in administrative action from the college 和/or prosecution under the appropriate state or federal laws.


The primary function of the 自行车注册 Program is to provide identification for bicycles stored on campus.


把自行车登记贴花贴在自行车座位下面的酒吧上, 就好像是车牌号一样, 一收到就去做,以免忘记. 它有助于在粘贴贴花之前清洁和干燥该区域.



The information on the bicycle is kept on file at the campus safety department for several years, 所以即使一个学生毕业了,他们的自行车出了问题, we will be able to provide them information on their bicycle if they cannot locate its serial number, 等. 另外, the sticker identifies the bicycle as belonging to someone who is at 澳门葡京博彩软件, 所以如果是由执法机构定位的, they will contact the college 和 therefore the bicycle is more likely to be returned to its owner.


Unregistered bicycles 和 those registered to students who have graduated are considered ab和oned 和 are removed at the end of each academic year in order to make room for new bicycles being brought to campus. 校园里的储藏空间非常有限, 和 removal of bicycles no longer being used is vital to assure that there is space for new bicycles. There is not a limit on the number of bicycles a person can register while they are on campus; however, 公平地说,其他的自行车拥有者, members of the community should have no more than two bicycles stored on campus at one time so everyone will have room to store their bicycles.


The occurrence of bike theft (和 of bike parts such as seats 和 quick release wheels) is higher in urban areas 和 on college campuses due to the numbers of bikes 和 the length of time during which those bikes may be left unattended. 采取一些简单的步骤来保护你的自行车.

  • 保留自行车车架 车轮始终锁住.
  • 把自行车锁在光线充足的地方.
  • 使用坚固的自行车锁.
  • 把你的自行车锁在一个物体上,用螺栓或水泥牢牢地固定在地面上.
  • 锁的位置要让钥匙机构朝下.
  • Create a snug fit with wheels 和 frame so that there is little room in the U-portion of the lock for thieves’ tools.
  • Record the serial number, make, model, color 和 bike decal number in a safe place.
  • 确保自行车是在家庭或租客的保险政策, 尤其是如果自行车很贵的话.
  • Lock your bike indoors whenever possible, especially if you will not be using it for a while.
  • 把自行车锁在容易割伤的物体上.
  • 把自行车一直锁在同一个地方.
  • Position the lock near the ground to prevent thieves from attempting leverage or crushing the lock.
  • 把自行车锁在人行道栏杆上, heaters or other objects not intended for bicycle security (your bike could be removed by college officials if not locked in a proper area).



经常, improperly secured bikes may be “borrowed” by people who might think it may be a “community bike”—it may be located elsewhere on campus. 试着在校园内寻找或向校园安全部门报告被盗事件.

澳门葡京博彩软件 campus safety can provide fingerprinting services for required applications 和 security clearances for members of the college community free of charge.

  • Appointments can be arranged by contacting the department at 413-585-2490 or campus safety dispatch, 看看有没有人可以帮忙.
  • You MUST arrive for your appointment with at least one government issued form of identification, 比如驾照或护照,还有你的澳门葡京博彩软件一卡通.

Important: Have all of your fingerprint cards filled out as completely as possible prior to your arrival. 计划在预定时间准时到达. 在我们建议之前,不要在指纹卡上签字.

The safety department is able to provide lockout services for students, faculty, staff 和 visitors. Lockout services will only be provided to the person assigned to the space being opened, 或者是对未上锁车辆的车主来说.

为了保护我们社区的隐私和安全, we are unable to open a space or vehicle without the assigned person or owner present. 如果有进入住宅空间的特殊需要, 申请人应与居住生活办公室联系. 如果这是一个学术空间, the requester should discuss their needs with the department responsible for that area.

Laptop engraving is offered as an added security measure to help identify your laptop 和 help discourage theft.

Register your bicycle with our department for the ability to identify your bicycle should it be stolen.

澳门葡京博彩软件 safety vehicles contain an array of equipment to better serve the 澳门葡京博彩软件 community. 其中一些设备包括电池启动包和锁定包. 在呼叫方填好责任免除表之后, officers will be more than happy to assist someone with jumpstarting their vehicle. If you have locked your keys in your vehicle, officers will assist you with that as well. If officers are unable to get your car started or are unable to retrieve your keys, campus safety dispatch has a list of local companies who may be able to assist further.



Campus safety can provide transportation for students to 和 from Cooley Dickinson Hospital (CDH) 和 Baystate Urgent Care on King Street for emergency/urgent medical needs. 因为警察可能要处理校园里的其他情况, 学生们可能需要等到警官有空来接送他们. 如果学生需要紧急交通工具,他们应该拨打911叫救护车.

如果学生已经安排了医疗或牙科预约, 他们需要安排交通工具去赴约. 以下是学生可以使用的选项列表:

  • 租用Zipcar
  • 使用优步或Lyft
  • 公共交通
  • 联络的士服务: 
    • 绿色出租车呼叫413-586-0707
    • 宇宙出租车,413-230-6119

Campus safety can also provide transportation for on campus students to the Schacht Center if they have an appointment 和 are feeling ill. 这同样适用于校园安全对校园紧急事件的反应, 学生可能要等一段时间才能被运送.


校园安全还为在校学生提供安全护送. 如果学生因为任何原因感到不安全, 他们应该联系校园安全部门,请专人护送. 因为警察可能要处理校园里的其他情况, 学生们可能需要等到一名警官有空提供护送.