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We have a long history of providing healthy, 美味的, 可持续发展的, and culturally-relevant food for students. 查看学生、教师和工作人员在校园参与的与食品相关的倡议和项目! 访问 餐厅 服务’ commitments to sustainability 了解更多.

Recent 行动s in 食物 and 餐厅

The Real 食物 Challenge

Graph showing impact of Real 食物 spending

On October 21, 2016, Smith signed onto the Real 食物 Challenge, a national initiative with goals 那 include promoting 可持续发展的 agriculture, fair labor practices and humane treatment of animals. Pledging 那 by 2020, 学校提供的食物中有20%符合“真正的食物挑战”的标准, Smith fulfilled its promise in less than a year. 

学习如何 Lily Carlisle Reske '17 learned about and advocated for food justice.


We’ve been supporting local and small farms for decades! 例如,我们从马萨诸塞州西汉普顿的Outlook农场采购农产品已有50多年的历史! Learn more about our other 当地生产商 在这里.

Plant-based 食物s

Smith has recently begun reporting on its plant-based food purchasing for AASHE明星. In FY 2019, 47% of our purchases were plant-based. 植物性食品主要由未加工或最低限度加工的食品和烹饪原料组成,或者是肉类或乳制品的素食/纯素食替代品. Ultra-processed foods do not qualify as plant-based. 学生们一直是我们在食堂里更多植物性食物的最佳倡导者,并继续帮助我们研究如何教育我们的社区关于吃植物性食物的好处.

In 2020, 环境科学与政策顶点课程的学生分析了牛肉和牛奶目前的采购做法——澳门葡京博彩软件和全球温室气体排放量最高的两种食品——为澳门葡京博彩软件餐饮提供了资源,可以对不同的替代方案进行粗略的排放和成本分析,以帮助减少排放.


Whole Animal Whole Region

2018年10月,澳门葡京博彩软件和其他几家合作机构获得了一份报告 grant from Henry P. Kendall Foundation 那 帮助当地农民建立一个整只动物的市场,卖给一致的消费者,而不仅仅是牛腰肉和里脊肉. 澳门葡京博彩软件承诺从新英格兰的农民那里购买全牛肉和全猪肉. 截至2020年, 餐厅供应的肉类有一半来自17个不含抗生素的当地农场, grass and non-gmo grain fed animals. We have purchased over 400 whole animals to date. In the next few years, we expect to source 100% of all meat from local farms. Student advocacy and involvement 一直并将继续在确保我们减少与肉类消费相关的碳足迹和获取更多可持续性方面发挥重要作用.

Year on Climate Change “Global Flavors” Event

At the 2019 opening conference for the Year on Climate Change, 来自世界各地的学生与餐饮服务公司合作,用新英格兰当地的食材制作来自他们家乡的家庭食谱. This project opened up an opportunity for our diverse student population to create and share their cherished recipes with the greater community; it also opened up an opportunity to showcase local New England foods to the greater community as well. 两名学生,20岁的罗西·李和21岁的米凯拉·冈萨雷斯创建并执行了这个项目. 



米凯拉冈萨雷斯 ’20

2019年秋季, 我帮助为澳门葡京博彩软件气候变化年会议的开幕招待会组织了“全球风味的可持续重新想象”. 学生们提交了食谱,并与校园厨师合作,用可持续来源的当地食材重新发明了他们的特色菜肴. 这次活动为与世界各地有联系的学生提供了一个机会,从创造性和可持续的角度重新接触重要的烹饪传统. 食谱包括用Mi Tierra餐厅的masa制成的皮卡达,以及用当地蛤蜊重新制作的传统海螺油饼.


抓住 & Go 2.0

Changing the world from disposable to reusable one meal at a time.

Starting fall 2022, Smith 餐厅 reintroduced the 抓住 & Go system with reusable meal containers for take-out dining. 开始, a student gives their free token to a dining hall staff member, then gets a container in return. 学生们可以直接从自助餐厅和食堂里取食物装进消毒过的容器里, 吃完后, deposit the used containers in vending machines in the Campus Center, Tyler House and Scales House to receive a token for next time. This system keeps tons of waste out of the landfill stream!

How does the program work?
Smith is moving away from single-use containers! 每位参加用餐计划的学生将在学年开始时获得2个免费代币参加该计划. 当学生参观餐厅时,他们可以用代币兑换一个可重复使用的容器. They can then fill their container with a meal to go. After using the container, 学生冲洗干净后,将其送回位于校园中心地下室的容器机, Tyler dining hall entryway and/or the Scales entryway. 按照指示将容器插入机器,并收到可在任何餐厅使用的令牌.

How will I get my free token at the start of the academic year?

大多数上层阶级的学生在Res Life领取房间钥匙时就会拿到钥匙. The only exception to this will be students 那 live in Cutter/Ziskind house. 他们将从Cutter/Ziskind餐厅的餐厅协调员处领取代币.

W在这里 can I use my reusable container?
You can use your 抓住 and Go 2.0 container in any of the residential dining rooms on campus.

What sizes do the reusable containers come in?
You will have the choice of either an 8x8 clam shell style container or a 12 oz. 汤容器.

How do the containers get cleaned?
一名餐饮服务学生工作者(Ozzi协调员)将在用餐期间将脏容器从抓取和移动容器机中取出,并在餐具室中清洗, and redistribute them to the dining halls.

W在这里 are the container machines located?
Ozzi machines are located in the basement of the Campus Center, Tyler dining hall entryway and the Scales entryway.

For health and safety reasons, 只有经过适当清洗和消毒的容器才能在餐厅使用,以防止任何交叉污染.

Can I exchange a dirty container for a clean container in the dining hall?
No, containers need to be returned to a machine, w在这里 students will receive a token to be exchanged for a container. 容器存放机可以让餐厅员工记录使用情况,并确保容器已消毒. Additionally, not all dining halls will be able to clean the containers.

Do I have to rinse my container before depositing it into the machine?
餐厅 staff recommends rinsing your container. If you are unable to rinse your container, please at least empty the container of all food before returning.

What if I don’t have a token?

What if I lose my container?

What if I have the need for multiple containers?

Can I redeem my token for cash?
No, tokens can only be used for containers.

Can I use the container at Kosher or Dawes?
No, the containers cannot be used at Kosher or Dawes. Paper products will be available at Kosher and at Dawes for meals.

What If I dine Halal? Are the containers kept separate?
No, 但用餐时,人们将继续使用个人保鲜盒来盛装一餐, 如果你先把你的那一份放在一个瓷器盘子里,然后把它转移到你的容器里.

What happens if the container machine is not working?
The container machine is networked to track usage and technical errors, and will notify the dining office. Any problems will be corrected as soon as possible.