

卡恩计划汇集了18位研究员, 由澳门葡京博彩软件组成, 工作人员, 和学生, 学院师资队伍, 访问澳门葡京博彩软件, to participate as equals to explore diverse areas of research in a collaborative and interdisciplinary setting. Every Kahn project is proposed and designed by Smith faculty members who serve as the project’s organizing fellows. 


A 长期 Kahn project develops intellectual fellowship and fosters communities of scholars in which the line between student and teacher is dissolved. 教师 and 学生们 meet weekly during a semester or a year and work together as equals, 围绕研讨会研究问题的复杂问题进行讨论和辩论. 建立社区, fellows share a meal before or after the seminar providing an opportunity to discuss their work in a more informal and relaxed setting.


Short-term 项目 provide new contexts for Smith and 学院师资队伍 to explore topics of common intellectual concern that bear on their own research and may serve as seeds for future 长期 项目. Short-term project formats are flexible, but typically take place within an abbreviated timeframe. 短期项目通常包括公共活动, 小组讨论或论坛, 电影放映, 研讨会, 实地考察和其他活动为期两到三天, 一个周末, 或者一系列为期一天的专题讨论会.


Informational 会议 are held each year for faculty 和学生 who are interested in learning more about 长期 项目. 看到 项目页面 有关 目前正在招聘的项目 提出 短期和长期 项目.


所有在职和退休的澳门葡京博彩软件教授, 以及澳门葡京博彩软件五所学院的教职员工, 是否有资格成为卡恩研究所计划的研究员. 看到 项目页面 了解机会.

组织研究员向卡恩研究所主任提出计画. 在项目被主任和卡恩咨询委员会批准后, its organizing fellows work with the director and Kahn 工作人员 to select participating project members and to develop a program of related public events.

的 director works with the organizing fellows to draft a concise statement of the project to be used for announcements and publicity. Organizing fellows may be invited to meet with the Kahn Institute Advisory Committee to discuss their plans.

项目年度, 组织研究员指导计划的每周研讨会, provide overall supervision for the work of the student fellows (though most of them will be working directly with other faculty fellows or independently), 并与卡恩研究所的工作人员密切合作. 工作人员处理许多细节,使项目顺利进行, including coordinating and publicizing all public events and managing financial and 预算 matters and behind-the-scenes work.

研究员 组织为期一年的项目 从教授一门课程中解脱出来. 计划的前一年对于组织研究员来说可能是忙碌的一年, 因为他们必须帮助选择项目成员, 定期与他们和卡恩咨询委员会会面, and work with the Kahn project manager to decide on the scope and timing of public events. Organizing fellows may elect to take their one-semester course release during the planning year instead of during the project year. 在一个项目结束时, 组织研究员必须提交一份相当详细的报告以供研究所记录, 包括改善未来卡恩项目运作的建议.

教师 fellows on a project participate in seminar 会议 for two hours each week with student fellows at the Kahn Institute.

在这些会议期间, organizing and faculty fellows develop their research and critique one another’s work in progress. 研究员也可以邀请澳门葡京博彩软件, 艺术家和其他人分享他们的研究和参与活动, 比如电影, 向学院和更广泛的社区开放的讲座和表演.

研究员hip is fostered at a weekly lunch or dinner for all faculty and student fellows in a project. 在一般情况下, the meal immediately follows the colloquium meeting and provides an opportunity for fellows to get to know one another and to discuss their interests and the day’s topic in a more informal setting.

Each 长期 project typically includes approximately 14 faculty fellows and four student fellows. One goal of 长期 项目 is to foster communities of scholars in which faculty 和学生 participate as equals, 学生和老师之间的界限在哪里消失.

教师 fellows may also participate in short-term 项目 that provide new contexts for exploring topics of common intellectual concern that bear on their own research. 的 structure and duration of short-term 项目 vary; they can be adapted to meet a variety of needs. 短期项目包括讲习班等活动, 会议, 小组讨论, 公开讲座和专题讨论会.

卡恩研究所提供 预算, organizational and publicity support for project activities and public events including honoraria, 旅行, 住宿, 以及受邀参加讲座和参与项目的访客的其他费用. 该研究所还提供资金, 为所有项目活动提供组织支持, 以及公共事件的宣传. 澳门葡京博彩软件研究员获得3美元的研究补助金,1万美元用于全年项目,1万美元用于全年项目,一学期项目500美元. 项目组织者除了获得研究资助外,还会获得课程发布. 初级教师可以选择课程发布或研究资助. 五名学院教员获得酬金 1500美元之间$3,000 取决于项目的长短.

长期项目在秋季学期早期招募教员. 短期项目在计划前大约8周招募研究员. A申请已公布 在线 当它们开放的时候.

有关申请参与卡恩项目的问题,请联系 卡恩研究所工作人员.


Kahn 学生们 research their own independent question within the broader project theme. 他们与教职员平等地参加每周的研讨会, 餐, 以及贯穿整个项目的特殊活动. 

Most students will not have had much previous experience defining a research topic or doing original research, 因此,研究所为学生设立了一个研究指导项目. It is critical that student fellows participate in the orientation activities in the spring and return to campus a few days early in the fall to attend an orientation workshop that takes place before classes resume.


  • 在项目学期期间会在学校吗
  • 是否准备主动进行独立研究
  • 以澳门葡京博彩软件的身份认真对待自己
  • 是否有足够的信心向教师和访问专家展示他们的研究成果.


  • develop a significant intellectual question and pursue research on it throughout the project year. 
  • 在项目年之前的夏天,阅读五到六本关于他们主题的重要作品.
  • 参加入职培训计划.
  • attend all of the project’s weekly colloquium 会议 and 餐, as well as project special events.
  • 平等参与,并与教师合作. 
  • 展示他们的研究成果.

请在2024年2月20日(星期二)之前通过谷歌表格提交申请. 包括:

  • 研究描述.
  • 澳门葡京博彩软件三位教员的名字作为推荐人. 
  • 当前简历.
  • 非正式的文字记录. 






决赛 & 发出候补名单通知
2024年4月 项目启动会议; 图书馆研究会议


暑假阅读和研究,准备 & 提交研究问题和带注释的参考书目
八月底,九月初 强制性卡恩学院学生研究员培训

参观 & 高级奖学金


参观 fellows are appointed by the institute’s director on the advice of the organizing fellows. 预约的时间长短取决于项目的需要和研究员的可用性. 访问澳门葡京博彩软件参加公共活动和每周会议, 与教师和学生研究员密切合作. 的 卡恩咨询委员会, in cooperation with the selection committees for the Kennedy and Neilson visiting professorships, encourages faculty to design proposals that include prospective Kennedy or Neilson professors.


Kahn senior fellows are appointed by the provost/dean of the faculty on the advice of the institute’s director. 的se distinguished fellowships allow faculty members to pursue opportunities stemming from their yearlong Kahn project. 才有资格获得卡恩高级奖学金, you must be a senior member of the faculty or recent emeritus/a and have been an organizing fellow of a Kahn project.


数学 & 统计数据

路易斯·沃尔夫·卡恩数学和科学史名誉教授 & 技术
