
Center for the Environment, Ecological Design & 可持续性(CEEDS)

环境中心, 生态设计与可持续发展(CEEDS)的存在只有一个目的:我们为学生提供学术和应用经验,帮助他们在整合跨学科知识方面脱颖而出, in support of environmental decisions and action.

我们致力于将可持续实践融入澳门葡京博彩软件的运营,并将校园运营与学生学习联系起来. 我们还支持教师努力加深对突出环境问题的理解,并将这些问题纳入课程. 我们促进制度创新和进步,朝着学院的承诺,成为可持续发展的典范.

Want to see what we’ve been up to? 查看我们的时事通讯.

Student interaction with faculty


The mission of CEEDS is to catalyze, 启用, 并通过学术参与我们的社区,支持校园探索和行动,以实现澳门葡京博彩软件和世界的积极可持续变化, 大学操作, 课外学习编程, 和研究.

我们支持 Environmental Science and Policy program,提供 环境浓度, act as an internal consultant for 可持续的业务,管理 麦克利什野外站,指导 空间分析实验室,主持人众多 internships and independent studies, offer a welcoming space for people to gather, 连接, 和学习, and are an intersection for students and faculty to explore how and w在这里 to make change. 



CEEDS副主任 & Environmental Science and Policy

413-585-3951 | jbenkley@lj-hb.com

乔安妮·本克利(乔安妮Benkley)在澳门葡京博彩软件大学(Smith)的工作中结合了可持续发展的专业和学术兴趣,充分利用了校友, 社区, 教授在环境问题上的专业知识,并鼓励新的和令人兴奋的跨学科联系. She joined the Environmental Science and Policy Program (ES&从那时起,她一直在领导和支持与环境和可持续发展有关的制度变革方面发挥着关键作用, 除此之外,  the establishment of the Committee on Sustainability, ES的发展&P into a major course of study, and the establishment of CEEDS. She continues this exciting work in her role as liaison to current and prospective students, 校友, faculty and other Smith departments and offices. Joanne co-chairs the 环境浓度 and the Arts Afield initiative.



可持续发展总监 & Administrative Director of CEEDS

413-585-3412 | bhooker@lj-hb.com

贝丝妓女 has extensive experience in education, 在霍利奥克山学院、汉普郡学院和迪尔菲尔德学院教授环境科学,并提供机构可持续性领导. 在汉普郡, 贝丝指导了一个100英亩的教育和生产有机农场,并领导了许多促进地区恢复能力的项目, sustainable practices and clean energy technologies. 在加入Smith之前, 贝丝致力于推进公司目标和实践,以管理环境非营利组织的淡水资源, 刻瑞斯. 贝丝得了B.A. from Connecticut College, double majoring in chemistry and Asian studies. 她得了个M.S. 在土壤科学和博士学位.D. in ecosystems ecology from the University of Connecticut.


Assistant 可持续发展总监

413-585-3538 | bmalloy@lj-hb.com

贝嘉马洛伊 is a learner and shaper of dynamic and resilient systems. 在诺斯菲尔德黑门山的康涅狄格河流域从事了20年的教育和可持续发展领导工作, her work is informed by the landscape, the traditional ecological knowledge, and the diverse communities of the valley. She grew up mucking around in the New England intertidal zone, which inspired her early career in experiential education. 贝卡得了B.A. from Colby College in biology with a concentration in environmental studies and an M.B.A. in sustainability from Antioch University New England.



教师 Director, Associate Professor of Chemistry

413-585-3637 | aberke@lj-hb.com

安德鲁·伯克将大气化学和物理化学结合起来,探索气溶胶的基本物理性质和化学成分——影响人类健康和气候的性质. 他的实验室特别感兴趣的是在分子水平上理解化学复杂性如何影响气溶胶成分, 增长, transport and optical properties. In addition to teaching chemistry 类, Berke is also a member of the Environmental Science and Policy program. He holds degrees in Studio Art (B.A., Calvin College) and Chemistry (B.S., Grand Valley State University, Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison), and integrates both into his teaching 和研究.



课程 & 研究管理员

413-585-2646 | pwetzel@lj-hb.com

保罗·吉姆一生都对自然世界充满好奇和迷恋,并热衷于分享这种惊奇感, 这也是他担任艾达和阿奇博尔德·麦克利什科考站经理的基础. 受训成为湿地生态学家, Paul is interested in landscape conservation and restoration, 将生态学原理应用于麦克利什及其他地区的生态系统的实际恢复. 自2007年以来,他一直是澳门葡京博彩软件的定期讲师,目前教授环境浓度课程. 保罗收到了他的M.S. in environmental science from Indiana University and a Ph.D. in ecology and evolutionary biology from Iowa State University.


Administrative Coordinator, CEEDS

413-585-3352 | dquirk@lj-hb.com

迪尔德丽怪癖个人对气候变化行动充满热情,并为能够支持CEEDS和澳门葡京博彩软件实现其环境目标并培养未来的气候领导者而感到自豪. 她曾在波特兰市的两个市政府工作,担任办公室支持人员, OR) and the publishing industry (working as a marketing coordinator and a slush reader). Deirdre的学位是B.A. 在里德学院获得戏剧学士学位,在加州大学获得编辑专业证书, 加州大学伯克利分校.



Spatial Data Specialist, 空间分析实验室

413-585-3862 | lellis@lj-hb.com

Kala 'i Ellis热衷于融合领域和知识基础,在这个不断变化的世界中提供创新的方法来应对新的挑战. His background in merging Indigenous and Western knowledge bases, especially in the realms of marine and terrestrial remote sensing and geospatial analyses, 他在夏威夷长大,在犹他州上大学的生活经历塑造了他的性格. 卡拉伊的成绩是B.S. 生物多样性与保护硕士,辅修地理空间科学与技术.S. in Biology from Brigham Young University, Provo.




Explore Smith’s various sustainability-related academic pathways.

Learn more about the variety of options in 澳门葡京博彩软件 on the 可持续的澳门葡京博彩软件 site or come visit us in CEEDS to chat about your interests.

勤工助学岗位 & 点工作

During the academic year and summer, CEEDS hosts a variety of work-study positions and internships such as:

  • CEEDS Programming and Communications Internships
  • Smithcycle and Eco-Reps Program coordinators
  • Periodic short-term jobs such as zero waste ambassadors


CEEDS hosts programming to help students get access to, 在, 和学习 about our natural environment. 我们带领人们观鸟、猎蘑菇、穿雪鞋旅行、榨苹果酒等等. Lean about all our events, lectures, and workshops by visiting the 活动页面.

访问 参与 on the 可持续的澳门葡京博彩软件 site 以获得更多的参与方式.

Partnering with CEEDS as a student

CEEDS collaborates with and supports students in all manner of pursuits.  例子包括: 

  • One-on-one academic and career 建议
  • Support 学生组织 and student-led initiatives such as Sunrise Movement
  • Co-designing and supporting special studies 和研究
  • 举办户外活动,比如猎蘑菇、观鸟、雪地行走、营火等等.

If you are interested in collaborating with CEEDS in these or other ways, please reach out! 


Smith’s faculty are continually involved in cutting-edge research that enriches society, and faculty research shapes the content of course offerings for students. CEEDS以多种方式鼓励和支持学院的教职员工,以扩大和深化可持续发展研究, embedding sustainability concepts into courses, and creating authentic learning experiences for students. 

除了我们的 Curricular Enhancement Grants and 教师 研究 Fellowships 我们可以通过多种方式为您量身定制我们的工作,以帮助您的学生提供良好的学习机会.

伸出手去 ceeds@lj-hb.com 开始这个过程.

CEEDS的员工可以为澳门葡京博彩软件的教学和学习提供传统和非传统的支持和伙伴关系. 我们通过以下方式帮助教师:

  1. 共同制作与主题相关的业余视频(带封闭字幕),以支持异步学习. 请看示例 在这里.

  2. 拍摄校园或更大的康涅狄格河谷(如当地农场)特定内容的虚拟旅行, 能源系统, 企业(e).g. 密尔河, 巴斯托农场, Northampton wastewater treatment plant, 霍利约克大坝, 水电设施). We can 电影 you or others at one or multiple locations and provide video editing 

  3. 在教师专业知识和可持续发展的交叉点,合作确定和确保特定内容主题的演讲嘉宾, 包括数据科学, 心理学, 政府与政策, 经济学, 电影, 本土研究, 还有更多.

  4. 识别或推荐数据集、文本或媒体材料来支持你的作业.

  5. 提供真实的校园或社区挑战或机会,作为案例研究或课程作业的问题提示.

  6. Providing in-course student support for individual or group work. 多年来,CEEDS一直支持环境信息解释和沟通等课程, 气候变化心理学, and Critical Design Thinking by supplying project prompts, 建议, 专业支持, 和更多的.

CEEDS is lucky to be situated adjacent to the library and Burton lawn.  Our sunny conference room is available, 通过安排, 学生组织, 类, 小型会议.  请与ceed联系 ceeds@lj-hb.com 了解更多信息.





北安普顿,MA 01063