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America Reads/America Counts Tutoring

澳门葡京博彩软件 participates in the America Reads and America Counts Challenges, which are national tutoring programs designed to employ college students as reading and math tutors for children up to grade six. 澳门葡京博彩软件 is proud to have the largest number of tutors participating in the America Reads/America Counts program of any of the Five Colleges.

Only consider becoming a tutor if you can truly commit yourself. Treat your tutoring duties as seriously as you do your academic work. Not only will you be gaining valuable experience, performing a service to the community and helping a child learn to read, but future employers will also consider the importance of the work you do. This work will be an important part of your résumé even if you do not enter the education field.

Be advised that most schools and agencies participating in the program conduct Criminal Offender Record Information (科里)检查.

Explore the 项目


学生 with federal 勤工助学 are eligible for America Reads/America Counts tutoring positions. Verify applicants' federal 勤工助学 award granted. Earnings will be limited to the amount of federal 勤工助学 a student is awarded.

学生 with institutional 勤工助学 are 不合格的 but may participate on an unpaid, volunteer basis.


The Massachusetts minimum wage rate rose to $15.00 per hour as of January 1, 2023. Therefore, the base pay rate for students is now $15.00 for on campus jobs and $15.50 for off-campus work study.


学生 may not work more than ten hours per week. 进一步, these positions must be funded by federal work study and therefore may be limited more based on the award. Questions about your work study amount should be directed to student financial services.

Student employment positions are posted in 工作日. 使用这个 就业援助 to find and apply for positions. 
All students must complete required documents and be hired in 工作日 before starting work.

Additionally, America Reads/America Counts must complete the following:

You may work from the first day of classes in the fall through the last day of exams in May, although you may continue to work on a volunteer basis. Refer to the college's Academic Calendar for dates in any given year. All tutoring counts as 勤工助学 earnings.

Obtaining Additional Hours

If you do not obtain sufficient 勤工助学 hours you need by tutoring, you may apply for more hours at another job on campus. 

Tutors are strongly encouraged to attend the Five College training sessions detailed below and will be paid for training time once a tutoring position is secured. Agencies and schools should also train tutors specific to their needs.

Overview 培训

学生 must attend a one-hour training session at any one of the Five Colleges before tutoring; however, they may start the process of interviewing before attending the training session. Sessions are offered at the beginning of each semester. 学生 must arrive on time and stay through the entire session to be paid for training. 培训 time should be added to your payroll time sheet. An America Reads position is required in order to be eligible for training pay.

Extended 培训 Workshop

Toward the beginning of a student's tutoring career, they must also attend an Extended 培训 Workshop (ETW). This workshop is intended for new tutors, so taking it at the first semester of tutoring will be most beneficial. Food is provided and students are paid for their time once they've begun working as a tutor.