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艺术 & Technology Program at 澳门葡京博彩软件

艺术 & Technology Program

这门跨学科辅修课程为学生在媒体艺术和技术研究方面提供了坚实的基础, while laying the groundwork for more advanced work in this area. 辅修课程的两个主要优势是广泛的主题和学生接触的方法, and the individualized nature of each student’s trajectory. The field of 艺术 & 技术 is by nature diverse and rapidly changing, and therefore requires broad exposure, and self-direction and high motivation from the student. 我们希望我们的学生在毕业时达到一个能够预测和影响新兴趋势的水平,而不仅仅是跟随它们, and help create and define new aesthetics for computer media.

About the Program

澳门葡京博彩软件 established the program in 艺术 & 技术 in the spring of 2009. The emphasis is on 艺术 plural, including art, music, dance, theater and film, and on 技术 broadly conceived, including computer science, 工程, 数学, 统计数据, physics and sociology. 目标包括:

  • 通过将当前技术和计算资源与当代创作实践相结合的课程,满足当今发展中的艺术家/科学家的需求, scholarship and original research.
  • 为学生和教师提供跨部门合作的机会, 在艺术和技术的交叉点参与关键问题. 
  • 建立并整合澳门葡京博彩软件强大的艺术和技术研究与实践.

需求 & 课程

艺术 and Technology Minor



  1. One foundational course: 农业研究所162CSC 110, SDS 192 or 100年
  2. Three intermediate courses from at least two different departments
    1. Two 200-level or above courses
    2. 一个选修课
  3. 一个选修课
  4. One four-credit special studies on a topic approved by the minor adviser

Crosslisted 课程

农业研究所162 Introduction to Digital Media (4 Credits)

介绍在当代艺术实践的背景下使用数字媒体. 学生通过一系列涉及文本的项目探索内容开发和设计原则, still image and moving image. 本课程包括对与当代艺术和理论相关的工作室项目进行批判性讨论. Core studio materials are provided. 学生负责购买个人项目所需的额外用品. Enrollment limited to 14. Instructor permission required. {A}


ARS 263 Video and Time-Based Digital Media (4 Credits)

本课程通过使用各种软件的经验,建立多媒体数字艺术的工作知识, focusing on video and time-based media. Core studio materials are provided. 学生负责购买个人项目所需的额外用品. Enrollment limited to 14. No prerequisites. Instructor permission required. {A}


ARS 361 Interactive Digital Multimedia (4 Credits)

本课程强调基于计算机的交互式多媒体制作中的个人和合作项目. 参与者通过基于时间的过程和媒体制作技能(3D动画)的发展来扩展他们的个人实验, (视频和音频制作)是在交互式多媒体制作的背景下发展起来的, installation or internet. 对当代新媒体艺术实例的批判性考察和讨论增强了本工作室课程. Core studio materials are provided. 学生负责购买个人项目所需的额外用品. 先决条件: 农业研究所162. Enrollment limited to 14. Instructor permission required. {A}{M}

秋天,春天, Annually

CSC 240 Computer Graphics (4 Credits)

Covers two-dimensional drawings and transformations, three-dimensional graphics, lighting and colors, 游戏设计, 的角度来看, curves and surfaces, 射线跟踪. Employs Postscript, C++, GameMaker, POV-ray, and radiosity. The course accommodates both CS majors, for whom it is programming intensive, and other students with less technical expertise, by having two tracks of assignments. 先决条件: CSC 120 或同等. m 111 或同等 is an additional required prerequisite for majors. Designation: Theory, Programming. {M}

秋天,春天, Annually


Through readings, 讨论, 通过实验室和讲座,学生们了解与能源使用相关的人类活动以及对地球环境的影响. 这些知识被应用于激励、设计和建造净零能耗建筑的比例模型. Through simple lab exercises, 学生学习编程的微控制器,测量温度和控制功能在他们的模型建筑, 相应的分析使学生能够展示如何在设计中利用太阳能来减少碳基能源. Enrollment limited to 20. {N}

秋天,春天, Variable


我们将广泛探讨工程设计方法如何用于解决人类健康方面的各种挑战. Through readings, 讨论, lab experiences, short design assignments, and a semester-long team design project, we will work to identify open unmet biomedical needs, 并学习如何开发满足这些需求的解决方案的过程. 重点将是首先全面了解未满足的需求, and then on continually improving solution ideas, 通过测试和寻求对当前可能解决方案集的反馈, and learning from failure. {N}

秋天,春天, Variable

EGR 100sw主题:人人参与的工程-可持续水资源(4学分)

我们调查和设计水电水利基础设施, 水的供应, wastewater treatment, stormwater management, 和灌溉. 这些技术是通过历史和当代的例子介绍的, along with a theme of the importance of place in 工程 design. In contrast to design as invention, 这门课程的重点是将常见的设计应用到特定的地方, as influenced by climate, physical geography, 文化, 历史, 经济学, 政治, and legal frameworks. Examples include the historic Mill River, Northampton’s water resources, Boston’s Deer Island wastewater treatment facility, San Francisco’s 水的供应 system, California’s State Water Project and the Bay-Delta system, the Colorado River, and water recycling and reclamation. {N}

秋天,春天, Variable

PHY 117 Introductory Physics I (5 Credits)

The concepts and relations (force, 能量和动量)描述物理相互作用及其产生的运动变化, along with applications to the physical and life sciences. 实验室实验、讲座和解决问题的活动交织在每节课中. In-class 讨论 sections offer additional help with 数学, data analysis and problem solving. 本课程满足医学院和工程学对带实验室的物理入门I课程的要求. 先决条件: m 111 或同等. Enrollment limited to 28. {N}


100年 The Art of Theatre Design (4 Credits)

本课程旨在探讨戏剧和视觉艺术中设计的本质. 学生 study the elements of set, 服装, 灯光和声音设计,同时看看一些最有影响力的设计师的工作, past and present. Especially designed for those with a limited background in theatre, it involves 讨论 about assigned plays and projects, as appropriate to the topic. 它对所有学生开放,但特别建议一年级学生和二年级学生参加. Enrollment limited to 16. {A}

秋天,春天, Annually

THE 253 Introduction to Lighting Design (4 Credits)

本课程向学生介绍舞台灯光设计的理论与实践. Over the semester, 本课程培养学生对光的表现力以及光与光之间关系的敏感度, 形式与空间, eventually learning to manipulate light to articulate ideas. Through script analyses and design projects, 学生学习理解光的力量,以提高舞台表现, 掌握戏剧表演的技巧,并将这些技巧运用到与整个制作团队的合作中. Through hands-on exercises in the lab and in the theatres, 学生也熟悉照明的机械方面:仪表, control systems and safe electrical practice. Enrollment limited to 12. {A}






Katherine 金奈尔德, Computer Science

乔丹·克劳斯, Computer Science


史蒂夫Waksman, Music/American Studies

艺术 & Technology Working Group

加索尔Atela、数学 & 统计数据



Kiki Gounaridou,剧院

埃里克·詹森, Center for Design Fabrication

Alexandra Keller、电影研究


约瑟夫·O’rourke, Computer Science



史蒂夫Waksman, Music / American Studies




Computer Science

Computer Science at Smith


Computer Science at 澳门葡京博彩软件

接触艺术 & Technology Program

Department of Art
Brown Fine 艺术 Center
Northampton, MA 01060

电话: 413-585-3135 电子邮件:

有关澳门葡京博彩软件艺术与技术项目的更多信息, please contact the director, 芭芭拉Kellum, or any of the advisers.